What Type of Mattress Do Hotels Use? - Somnuz Mattress

What Type of Mattress Do Hotels Use?

Travelling can be both exhausting and fulfilling. After long hours of driving, waiting, and stress as you go on your journey, you’d want to receive a comfortable accommodation.

If you've ever stayed in a hotel, you’ll notice how incredibly welcoming the place is. Aside from the ambiance, one of the major factors that makes a hotel cosy and inviting is the quality of its mattresses. After all, hotels work towards creating an environment that makes guests want to return.

But what type of mattress do hotels use? Is it possible to bring their unique comforts home? 

Ultimately, hotel mattresses are made to fit various sleeping needs. If you are looking for a new mattress and wondering if you can spot a hotel-quality mattress to upgrade your sleep or are simply curious about what mattress types are used in hotels, this guide is for you.


What Type of Mattress Do Hotels Use?

What Type of Mattress Do Hotels Use?

Hotels use the best luxury mattresses to ensure that their guests have a restful night's sleep. Many hotel mattresses use high-quality double-sided mattresses that are flippable and long-lasting. Luxury mattresses, following the new zoned mattress technologies, are also on the rise. Although hotels use luxury mattresses, the brands and materials will vary for every hotel chain. They all follow some parameters to provide optimum sleeping comfort.

You can replicate the luxury comfort of hotel mattresses by following these suggested parameters:

  • Size. The mattress should allow a minimum space of 90 cm per person and 180 cm for two.
  • Thickness. In terms of mattress thickness, the comfortable level will be at least 10 cm to accommodate both light and heavy sleepers.
  • Firmness. When it comes to firmness, hotels implore medium- to medium-firm firmness levels to cater to different sleeping positions.
  • Edge support. Every part of the mattress should provide enough support and durability. This includes the edges of the mattress.
  • Construction. A high-quality mattress should be made from high-quality materials like memory foam, latex, and pocketed coils that support myriad sleeping needs and body types.
  • Motion isolation. Hotel mattresses are meant to be shared, so it’s vital that they offer excellent motion isolation. You can achieve this at home by opting for a pocketed spring mattress.
  • Anti-allergy. Aside from ensuring the hotel's hygiene, high-quality hotel mattresses also come with anti-bacterial, anti-dust mite, and antifungal properties.
  • Breathability. No one wants a hot and sweaty sleep, especially during a hotel vacation. To ensure your comfort, hotel mattresses should be incredibly light and breathable to sleep on.
  • Durability. Hotel mattresses go through a lot of wear and tear, so it’s crucial that they are made from durable materials. Traditionally, hotel mattresses are double-sided and can be flipped to extend their lifespans. Mattress constructions, on the other hand, evolve in terms of durability as mattress technologies advance. As a result, luxury mattresses can now have one-sided zoned comfort while remaining durable.
  • Flame-resistance. It is a requirement for every type of mattress to have flame-resistant properties to ensure the safety of its users.


      What Mattress Materials Do Hotels Use?

      What Mattress Materials Do Hotels Use?

      Hotels use different mattress materials that also offer different benefits. Luckily, the materials used in creating luxury hotel mattresses are also commercially available for homeowners to experience. From bouncy innerspring beds to conforming memory foam, here are some common mattress types according to their materials.


      Memory Foam Mattress

      Memory Foam Mattress

      If you are looking for a soft, contouring bed for your sleep, a memory foam mattress is a good choice. A luxury memory foam mattress offers the right spine support by giving you an effortless hug for your chosen sleeping position. This mattress type provides targeted pressure point relief to your lower back, hips, shoulders, neck, and other parts of your body that receive the most weight when you sleep.


      Latex Mattress

      Latex Mattress

      Many of the most durable mattresses are made from natural latex. This material offers a light and bouncy comfort with the right firmness that many hotel guests prefer. Natural latex mattresses are also breathable. They also offer pushback support, which is ideal for back, stomach, and heavy sleepers.


      Pocketed Spring Mattress

      Pocketed Spring Mattress

      Pocketed spring mattresses are on the rise because of their versatile comfort, which many mattress sharers prefer. These springs are individually encased in their own pockets of fabric to follow your movements independently, making them ideal for restless sleepers. Pocketed spring mattresses feature memory foam, gel foam, or latex layers to enhance their comfort.

      Hybrid Mattress

      Hybrid Mattress

      Hybrid mattresses strike a balance among many mattress materials, such as memory foam, latex, and innerspring. These materials are used to offer the ultimate benefit of a hotel mattress while reducing the downsides.


      Pillow Top Mattress

      Pillow Top Mattress

      Many hotels use luxury mattresses with a pillow top layer to increase their comfort. This gives you uniform plush and conforming comfort while you sleep.


      Other Ways to Achieve Hotel-Like Comfort at Home

      Other Ways to Achieve Hotel-Like Comfort at Home

      Now that you know what hotels look for in a mattress, it’s time to search for one that fits your specific sleeping needs to upgrade your night’s rest. After shopping for the best hotel-like bed, fill it with quality pillows and bedding accessories.  A mattress protector and topper can also improve your sleep comfort while preserving the quality of your mattress.

      It is recommended to have five quality pillows to get a hotel-like rest. Choosing two that support your sleeping needs, on the other hand, is sufficient to ensure a restful night's sleep. You may then add some bolsters or extra pillows to personalise your sleeping comfort. In the end, what works for other people will differ from what works for you.

      Want to create a cloudy, minimalist, and hotel-like cocoon? You may want to try an all-white pillow and bedding setup. 


      The Bottomline


      We love the cloudy and luxurious feel of hotel mattresses, but we also love the safety and familiarity that we feel when we sleep at home. Why not achieve both by introducing a hotel-like mattress for your personal sleep sanctuary?

      To bring the best hotel quality mattress home, choose one with the right size, thickness, and comfort features that fit your sleeping needs. If you're sharing your mattress with your partner or kids, make sure to also check their preferences. When done right, you’ll surely enjoy a restful sleep sanctuary that you’ll love to go home to.


      DISCLAIMER: All the information, including the texts, images, and other materials on this website, are for educational purposes only. Although we strive to present accurate information to our readers, no material on the Somnuz website is a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the guidance of a qualified medical professional with regards to your health. NEVER disregard or delay seeking professional medical advice because of something you have read in this article.

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