Deodorise Your Mattress with these 5 Easy Steps - Somnuz Mattress

Deodorise Your Mattress with these 5 Easy Steps

Whatever your mattress is, whether it is memory foam or latex, it will require some cleaning. This is to remove stains, dust, dust mites, and pungent odours caused by nightly sweats, oils, and other nasty elements.

However, unlike clothes or bedding items, mattresses are more sensitive to moisture. In short, you can’t simply wash and scrub your mattress to remove stains and other impurities. What makes it more challenging is that moisture can cause mildew and mould to build up, making a mattress unsuitable for healthy sleeping.

So how do you clean and deodorise your mattress the right way? Freshen up and prolong the lifespan of your best-loved mattress with these simple steps.


How to Deodorise a Mattress

Get Your Cleaning Supplies

Get Your Cleaning Supplies

Mattress odours don’t mean that it is the end of your mattress. Luckily, with these readily available items in your home, you can still deodorise and freshen up your sleep surface.

  • Vacuum cleaner
  • Cold water
  • Baking soda
  • White vinegar
  • Mild detergent
  • Cornstarch

Vacuum with Upholstery Attachment

Vacuum with Upholstery Attachment

A simple way to keep your mattress clean and fresh is to vacuum it every day. Using the upholstery or crevice attachment, clean the mattress from the top surface to the sides. Tackle all the components of your bed, including the bottom part and all the seams of the mattress. Don’t forget to vacuum your mattress base to guarantee that all the surfaces connected to your mattress are clean. Wash the upholstery attachment with warm water to remove dust and kill the germs before using.

Vacuuming your mattress may not remove odours immediately, but it is a good way to keep your mattress fresh and conducive to sleeping. 


Baking Soda

Baking Soda

Baking soda, a classic deodoriser, works wonders for many functions at home. Thankfully, it also upholds its reputation for neutralising pungent odours in your bedroom.

Sprinkle enough baking soda on your mattress and leave it for at least 30 minutes. When deep cleaning, you may leave the baking soda on the surface for a whole day for the best results. Vacuum the baking soda afterwards and enjoy a cleaner and fresher mattress!

Tip: Add some cornstarch to your baking soda to achieve better results. Cornstarch can reliably absorb some moisture from your mattress, including body oils, sweat, and other odour-causing elements.


White Vinegar Solution

White Vinegar Solution

Another natural and easy-to-find odour neutraliser at home is white vinegar. This natural mattress deodoriser is highly effective and hypoallergenic, so you don’t have to worry about making your bed comfortable for sleeping.

Create a vinegar solution by mixing equal parts distilled water and white vinegar. Do not use hot water for your mixture when cleaning mattress stains, especially stubborn period stains. This is because hot water can further bond the stain to your mattress.

Use a spray bottle and mist the mixture on your mattress surface. Be careful not to oversaturate the bed, especially if it is made of foam. You can also use this mixture to spot clean urine stains. After misting your mattress, let the mixture dry up to reveal a fresher, odour-free mattress.


Mild Detergent

Mild Detergent

Use mild detergent to spot-clean stubborn dirt on your mattress. You can use this for many odour-causing dirt sources, like accidental spills urine and period stains. Although many mild detergents are safe to use on mattress surfaces, it’s vital to spot-test the chemicals that you’ll use on your bed.


More Ways to Deodorise Your Mattress

Wash Your Bedding Regularly

Wash Your Bedding Regularly

Wash and change your bedding accessories at least once a week to prevent dirt and allergen buildup. If you have allergies or pets at home, clean your bedding accessories more often. Make sure to follow care labels to preserve the best quality of your bedding accessories.


Allow Proper Ventilation

Allow Proper Ventilation

Your mattress can get stuffy, too. When washing your bedding items, take the time to air out your bare mattress. You can do this by simply opening the windows to allow fresh air to enter your room. This can help get rid of excessive moisture from your bed. 

When buying a new mattress, make sure to also choose a bed frame that supports proper air circulation around your sleeping surface.


Invest in a Mattress Protector

Invest in a Mattress Protector

A mattress protector can serve as a strong line of defence against impurities that can affect the quality of your mattress. Aside from guarding your bed against dirt, dust mites, and liquid stains, a mattress protector can also keep unwanted odours at bay. This bedding accessory is also easy to clean.



What causes bad mattress odours?

What causes bad mattress odours?

Your mattress goes through a lot of wear and tear. It may look normal at first glance, but it is actually exposed to various elements that can deteriorate its quality. This includes the nightly sweats, dead skin cells that you shed, natural body oils, some residues from your nighttime skin care products, and other stains. These eventually build up and emit foul odours that trigger allergy symptoms.


How often should I deodorise my mattress?

How often should I deodorise my mattress?

Ultimately, you can deodorise your mattress every 6 months or during deep cleaning. Aside from this, it is necessary to vacuum your mattress at least once a week when you change your bedding.


There is mould growing inside my mattress, what should I do?

There is mould growing inside my mattress, what should I do?

Unfortunately, mould buildups inside the mattress are hard to address. If your mattress is already growing mould, seek the help of a professional mattress cleaner or totally replace your mattress if it’s already old. We do not recommend sleeping on a mouldy mattress as it can trigger allergies and cause various health issues. If your mattress has a persistent bad odour despite 


Can dust mites affect my health?

Can dust mites affect my health?

Dust mites are detrimental to your health. These minute elements can trigger allergy symptoms, causing rashes, watery eyes, runny noses, and breathing difficulties.




Even the best mattresses in Singapore are still susceptible to stains and unpleasant odours. A stinky mattress is not only uncomfortable, but it can also pose many health issues due to a number of elements that cause the unpleasant smells.

Free your bed from unpleasant and disruptive odours so you can finally enjoy a restful night’s sleep. If your mattress is beyond saving, choose a new mattress in Singapore with the best features to support your sleeping needs.

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