When Should You Replace Your Mattress? - Somnuz Mattress

When Should You Replace Your Mattress?

If you’re wondering if it’s already time to change your mattress, chances are you are already experiencing the warning signs. The lifespan of your mattress depends on different factors aside from the manufacturing quality of your sleep solution. Under the best conditions, you may replace your mattress every 6 to 10 years. However, this depends on the quality of the mattress and its current condition.

Factors that Affect Your Mattress Lifespan

Factors that Affect Your Mattress Lifespan

  1. The quality of your mattress
  2. Surroundings
  3. Sleeper weight and position
  4. Mattress cleaning and maintenance
  5. Usage


Tell-Tale Signs that You Need to Change Your Mattress

Noticeable Signs of Wear and Tear

Noticeable Signs of Wear and Tear

This includes sagging, mattress holes, yellow stains, mould build up, ripping, and other signs of damage. Some early signs that are worth noting are indentations, noisy and poking springs, and unresponsive foam. If your mattress loses its shape, it will no longer give your spine the support that it needs.


Waking Up with Aches and Sores

Waking Up with Aches and Sores

If you greet your mornings with back pain and sore muscles, you might need to rethink your mattress. A bad mattress does not provide the proper support that your body needs, which results in increased muscle tension and restlessness.


Worsening of Allergy and Asthma Symptoms

Worsening of Allergy and Asthma Symptoms

Your mattress accumulates dust, dust mites, stains, dead skin cells, pet dander, oils, odours, drool, and many other elements as it ages. These nasty buildups trigger allergy and asthma symptoms.


A Hard Time Sleeping and Staying Asleep

A Hard Time Sleeping and Staying Asleep

Does your mattress cause you unending tossing and turning just to find a comfortable sleeping solution? Once your bed starts to sag and become uneven, you’ll be left with little comfortable mattress space to settle on. This discomfort is a huge indication that you need to replace your mattress.

While difficulty in sleeping can be caused by other factors, you can tell that your mattress is the culprit if you find better comfort when sleeping on a different bed.


Sleeping Hot

Sleeping Hot

If you have never had some problems with temperature regulation but just recently had some issues with your hot mattress, it can be an indication that your foam is breaking down. This can be caused by the sagging components that restrict the airflow within your mattress.


Your Mattress is Old

Your Mattress is Old

If your mattress is over 8 years old, you might already be experiencing the other signs that we listed above. Then there are the stubborn mattress stains and odours that have infiltrated your bed. An old mattress generally offers more issues than comfort, which no one deserves. 


Changes in Sleeping Needs

Changes in Sleeping Needs

Some changes in your sleeping needs, like pregnancy, putting on or losing some weight, sleeping with a partner, and other factors, will prompt you to replace your mattress.

How to Make a Mattress Last Longer

How to Make a Mattress Last Longer

If you’re planning to buy a new mattress in Singapore, don’t make the same mistakes again! Here are a few things that you can do to prolong the life of a new mattress:

  1. Invest in a mattress protector to guard your new mattress against spills, dirt, and dust mite infestations.
  2. Always clean your mattress. Deep clean your mattress at least twice a year.
  3. Choose the right bed frame and mattress support.
  4. Flip or rotate your mattress if applicable.




A quality mattress equates to a more comfortable night’s rest. If your mattress isn’t giving you an excellent performance, start fresh with a better mattress! In the end, quality sleep is worth your investment.


Searching for the best mattress? Somnuz presents a collection of thoughtfully engineered mattresses in Singapore designed to address various sleeping needs.


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